Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tips for MakeUp

Song Hye Kyo: Beautyfull Skin
Song hye kyo

Most people assume that the Korean people's skin is unusually good, when in fact all over the world there are people who have bad and good skin, most skin types influenced by genetic factors may also partly caused by the environment.

But almost all people know that song hye kyo has the most wonderful skin.

Absolutely, in almost most of his professional image he always wore makeup on her face, but do not look at all there are signs of bumpin on the skin, nor is there a striking makeup base line, he only uses makeup foundation that is lighter than the color of his skin.

In the photo she does look a daily photo does not use makeup at all. 

There are a few tips that are cheap, natural and safe style of song hye kyo.

There are several natural remedies, cheaper and safer than Song Hye Kyo she uses on her face. You may have read about them, but it doesn' t matter to have another reminder, right?

Mix one egg white grain and a tablespoon of honey, message to face evenly and wait until dry then rinse with warm water should be use for two weeks before going to bed.

Honey and water mixture with a ratio of 1:2, use to massage the face and then rinse, these tips can also help reduce fine lines. Use once every two weeks.

Mix one tablespoon of honey, one spoon of milk powder and one egg white face with cotton wool apply to all let stand for 20 minutes before rinsing. Use of 2 weeks.

As a mask, use a cotton swab to wipe the layer of milk all over your face. You can also divide the cotton layers soaked in milk to put on your face.

Rub ice cubes to your face as a way to tighten the skin, but you also have to pay attention this way because the temperatures drop suddenly can cause broken calipers, it is advisable to use water dingint erlebih advance until your face is pretty cool and then use the ice cubes. This will help make your face even become cold gradually and indirectly, from warm to cold in seconds.

Not just skin care from the outside that can affect the skin condition but diet is also important because the food we eat is in the care of the skin, avoid foods with sugar and approve the budgets are high, avoid foods with high fat content, including fried food and junk food. In the know that song hye kyo also avoid drinking black tea are believed to aggravate the skin condition.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tips for MakeUp

To make the makeup work at full capacity you need to know, the wonderful makeup tips that you know what you should do. Which is not a professional makeup done without thinking will not be able to deliver maximum results match what you want. You are also expected to create a magical aura around your face before applying makeup on. Here are some tips for beautiful makeup:

Makeup Tips 1

We recommend that you use a facial toner in advance, you also need to choose a good moisturizer as this will assist in the proper mixing and better makeup. It is one thing that most people do not give proper attention and care that can lead to end up with bad makeup and do not give the desired results

Makeup Tips 2

Use your fingers to work on one area of ​​your face. Better yet, if you move your fingers in a circular motion and after a fairly evenly you can use a sponge to smooth it down again.

Makeup Tip 3

With the help of a soft brush is recommended to use a translucent loose powder to set makeup. When you use a brush, dust composition in a downward motion.

Makeup Tips 4

If you use blush for your makeup, care must be taken in the application, you should apply the blush in a circular motion with your finger along the bottom of the chekbone. Remember! Do not apply blush over the center line of the eye.

Makeup Tips 5

Dark colors should be applied to the outer shape of the eye, and if you have used more than necessary, you can use clear or colored coating for already made. Previously we recommend you choose a basic color eye shadow

Makeup Tips 6

Often people who want to travel with a certain color of clothing trying to match the color of makeup to the clothes they wear. But remember as long as it looks beautiful it is valid only legitimate but if not you should use a color that matches the color of your skin
Makeup Tips 7

Should be applied near the base of the lashes, so as to make them look thicker, if you use eyeliner to make your eyes attractive and speak,

Hopefully some of the tips above can help you in doing makeup according to what you want

Korean artis in natural makeup

Some example of korean artists who use natural makeup...

Song hye kyo

Eugene Kim

Koo hye sun

Lee da hae

Yoon eun hye